Mary Anne Marsh: Bloomberg is rich, aloof and imperious — is this really what Dems want for president?

Originally published on The curious campaign of Michael Bloomberg raises a question: Can a billionaire buy the Democratic nomination? In his late bid for the nomination that skips the first four contests, which historically launch the nominee, Bloomberg … Continue reading Mary Anne Marsh: Bloomberg is rich, aloof and imperious — is this really what Dems want for president?

Mary Anne Marsh: Trump, Pelosi agree! What part of impeachment drama has them on the same side?

Originally published on Nancy Pelosi wants a fair impeachment trial in the Senate … and Donald Trump is helping her get one. Before the House voted to impeach Trump, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that he … Continue reading Mary Anne Marsh: Trump, Pelosi agree! What part of impeachment drama has them on the same side?